PC911 > Tips & Tweaks > Fixes Index > Fixes #5

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I Right-Click On My Start Button And The "Open" and "Explore" Options Are Grayed Out.
You need to have TweakUI installed to fix this problem. If you don't have TweakUI in your Control Panel yet, install it first following these instructions. Once you have TweakUI installed, go to the Control Panel and double-click on the TweakUI icon. Select the My Computer tab and check every single box for every drive letter. As soon as you have them all checked, the Open and Explore option will be available again when you right-click the Start button.

I Have Recurring BSODs And Other Unexplained Errors In Win98 -- Help!
While there is some controversy on this issue, it would seem there is a bug in Windows 98 in which several VxD files are not always copied during installation. (At best, detractors of this fix can claim that it does no good. Certainly it can do no harm so it's worth a shot.) VxD files are virtual device drivers that Windows needs to operate properly. There are two ways to fix this potential problem:

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