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Restore The "Attributes" View In Explorer In Win98SE
Word on the street is that you may lose the "Attributes" column in Windows Explorer's Detail view after upgrading to Win98SE. If this has happened to you there is an easy fix.

Launch Win9x Programs With a Typed Command Done The Easy Way
Are you keyboard-centric? Would you prefer to quickly hit WinKey+R and type in one or two letters to launch a program? There is an example of how you can edit the Registry manually to launch Notepad by typing just one letter in the Customizations section. However, AliasBuilder is a script that automates the entire process in either Win9x or Win2K. When double-clicked, an input box appears asking the you for an executable file for which you'd like an alias created. Next, an input box asks for the alias. In our Notepad example, the user would input C:\Windows\Notepad.exe as the executable file and N as the alias. Now, any time the letter N is entered at the Start/Run command line, an instance of Notepad will launch. The script works by making additions to the AppPaths Registry key. You will be warned if a chosen alias is already in use so as to avoid Registry overwrites.

You can download AliasBuilder here.

Fix Picture Preview In Windows Explorer
The solution to a typical Win9x problem, losing the preview feature in Windows Explorer can be rectified easily. All it takes a little work and a quick download. This is what to do:

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