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Add Another HTML Editor To The EDIT Button On The IE5 Toolbar
Good ol' fellow PC911er, Grogan, offered up this way tasty tid-bit for your hacking pleasure. All you have to do is create another key similar to the default ones of Front Page and Notepad.
- Open Regedit and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ CLASSES\ .htm\ OpenWithList
- Create a key under that and call it whatever you want to appear in the Edit list under the toolbar button. In the example below you will see the program's icon (UltraEdit32) and it will say "Edit with Ultra Edit" When you're all done. It will also show up in the Tools/Internet Options... under the Programs tab, in the drop down list for HTML editor:.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ CLASSES\ .htm\ OpenWithList\ Ultra Edit]
- Under the new key you created, create another key called shell.
- Under shell, create another key called edit.
- Finally, under edit, create a key called command.
- Now down to business, in the right Regedit pane of the command subkey you just created, right click on "Default Value", choose Modify and enter the path of the editor's exe that you want to use and add a space and %1. The example for our purposes is:
"C:\Progra~1\Ultraedt\Uedit32.exe %1"
- Enjoy!
Force Windows Explorer to Refresh Correctly
Do you have trouble with Auto Refresh not ... well, refreshing all the time. Ever notice that when you create a new directory or move stuff around in the right pane that Explorer sometimes will not reflect these changes until you press F5? Auto Refresh should handle this chore, but for some reason delays doing so occasionally. Here's the fix:
- Launch Regedit and drill down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControl Set\ Control\ Update.
- Right click UpdateMode and choose Modify.
- Change the last two digits of the string of numbers in the lower pane to 00.
- Enjoy!
Restore The OEM Animated Logo In Internet Explorer
If you have a branded version of Internet Explorer you may have a non-standard animated logo in the upper right corner of the IE window. If you'd prefer to see the standard spinning globe all it takes is an easy Registry hack.
- Launch Regedit and drill down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ Toolbar.
- Look for string values called "BrandBitmap" and "SmBrandBitmap".
- Now, to restore the default animated IE logo, simply delete these string values.
- Enjoy!
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