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Launch Your Windows Programs With A Typed Command! The WinKey+R Tweak
You may have noticed this tweak listed elsewhere here in the TIPS & TWEAKS section. It only takes a few cautious moments to set this up and the result is a significant improvement in the speed and ease with which you can launch your most used programs, and you can have a less cluttered desktop in the bargain. It is presented here again in the Scripts section, because the Run MRU Modifier 2.0 Script listed immediately below further broadens the potential for the use of this WinKey+R enhancement. Read on, you'll see what we mean.

Even if you keep a shortcut to a program on your desktop or on a Toolbar with a drop down menu, it takes a few clicks to launch it if you have some windows open and maximized. If you are working and would prefer not to disturb the flow of what you are doing, what you need is to be able to quickly hit WinKey+R and type in one or two letters to launch a program. Here is an example of how to set up Notepad, a commonly used text editor, to launch by typing just two letters. You can adapt this technique for virtually any program. It's so easy too.

Edit Out Your Bloopers From The WinKey+R Run List
If you are a true Windows Power User, you probably use the WinKey+R Run command prompt regularly. As graphic-centric as Windows has become, there are still many simple yet critical tasks that can be performed more efficiently at the WinKey+R Run command prompt. The tweak listed immediately above is just one example. That Windows retains the typed commands for a period of about 28 days makes this method more user friendly, especially for those of us with poor memory. The problem is, if you mistype a command and hit Enter, the blooper will also remain there for 28 days. You can launch Regedit, drill down to where the RUN list is kept and edit until your heart's content, or you can use our alternative.

As you've probably guessed by now, Steve Yandl has put together yet another of his amazing PC911 scripts which, in this case, will automate the process of editing out those bloopers from the Run MRU list. All you need to do is:

A Macro To Make Fractions In Microsoft Word All Look The Same
This might be of interest to those of you using MS Word if you prepare documents with lots of fractions. Steve Yandl, PC911's very own script/macro guru, found a macro that uses word fields to resize the numerical characters and change the slant of the virgule (forward slash) so that you can make a fraction look like the standard pre formatted ones: ¼ ½ ¾. Then he wrote a subroutine so you could correct the whole document by clicking Ctrl+Alt+/ instead of having to select one fraction at a time. It ignores the fractions Word has already pre formatted and formats all non-standard fractions so that their appearance matches the standard ones.

Fraction Macro works in Microsoft Word 2000 and the previous two versions of Word as well. You only need to set this macro up one time and it will always be available to you on the subject machine. We can appreciate that most folks have never used vba or written a macro, so we've made this very simple. Here's how you do it:

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